Validators are now controlled through Rosetta

Validators are now controlled through Rosetta

Editors of Rosetta sites can now control who the validators are for their language. GlotPress will use these permissions across all projects on You no longer need to post validator requests here.

Validators are users of that locale’s Rosetta site having the role of Editor, Author, or Contributor. You can also use the new role of Validator (otherwise equivalent to Subscriber). I’ve ported over all existing validators.

Editors can now add and promote users, as well as edit the theme’s screenshots and navigation menu (Themes > Custom Header and Menus, see previous post). All administrators are now editors instead.

With this change, we’re also dropping support for locales that do not have a Rosetta site. This applies to 21 languages*, all of which are inactive anyway. GlotPress will no longer function properly for these languages, and a future cleanup will likely remove them from SVN and elsewhere.

(* – Affected languages are: br, gd, kk, ku, lt, mn, no, pa_IN, zh, az, bn_BD, en_GB, es_CO, fo, haw_US, is_IS, kn, ky_KY, lb_LU, ta_IN, ur.)